Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A great Gothic tale of love, redemption, and gargoyles!

       Hello everyone! I wanted to tell you about the book I just finished reading. It's called The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. The book starts out with the narrator, a man in his 30's, who isn't the best guy. He produces porn films, and does a lot of drugs. The book begins with the narrator being in a horrific car accident. He is  very badly burned, and wakes up in the hospital. Here starts his recovery, and any "friends" from his old life have abandoned him. He has no family, no one, really, until Marianne walks through the door.
      Marianne is a psych patient in the hospital. She tells the narrator that they know each other, although he says they have never me. The narrator thinks Marianne is just crazy, but finds her intriguing. Marianne and the narrator become friends. To pass the endless hours the narrator spends in bed, Marianne tells him stories from the past. The stories are love stories, and one of the stories is somehow connected to our characters. The stories are very moving, and I found myself wiping away a tear or two as I read.
     I loved this book. It was very descriptive, so if you are faint of heart, this isn't the book for you. The descriptions of the accident, and other violent acts are quite colorful, and I thought it was, although a little gross, really interesting. The author had obviously done his research, and the details about burn victims and their recovery was fascinating. The book was really moving. It felt like a horror story, love story, and Gothic mystery, along with some Dante's Inferno, all rolled into one. I loved all of the characters, and I loved all of the historical tales told throughout. This is one of the best things I've read in awhile. The author is from Canada, and there was a lot of buzz internationally when this book was published in 2008. So grab a copy of The Gargoyle, and let this story move you, while at the same time, horrify you. Happy reading!

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